2024年6月25日 星期二










1. A世界 第一定律: A物體密度大於B物體,則A物體會對B物體產生壓力。

2. B世界 第二定律: 密度相同的物體之間不會產生任何內部壓力。

3. C世界 第三定律: A物體密度小於B物體,則A物體不會對B物體產生壓力。















































WEX evolution process: WEX generator no pressure theory [Three Laws of Object Pressure] + [Restoring Force] Paper WEX Ocean City.


Blue Sky AI Paper: Three Laws of Object Pressure and Restoration Force




This paper presents three major laws of object pressure under universal gravitation and explores their implications for the phenomenon of buoyancy. These three laws are:

1. World A The first law: When the density of object A is greater than that of object B, object A will exert pressure on object B.

2. World B Second Law: There will be no internal pressure between objects of the same density.

3. C World The third law: When the density of object A is less than that of object B, object A will not exert pressure on object B.

These laws provide a new perspective on buoyancy and deep-sea pressure phenomena, addressing long-standing issues in physics.




Over 2000 years ago, Archimedes discovered buoyancy, leading humanity into what is referred to as State A. To explain buoyancy, physicists introduced concepts such as upper pressure, lower pressure, and lateral pressure, substantiated by various experiments. However, these concepts fail to adequately explain why stones do not crack under deep-sea pressures and how life can exist in such environments.


The proposed "Three Major Laws of Object Pressure" aim to resolve these issues and suggest that humanity is poised to transition from State A to States B and C in the 21st century.


Phenomena and Issues in State A


In State A, pressure exists between objects of different densities. For example, objects with densities lower than that of a liquid experience pressure when submerged in the sea, such as an empty PET bottle being compressed at great depths. This misconception leads to the belief that ocean pressure increases with depth, contributing to the fact that more people have landed on the moon than have explored the deepest parts of the ocean, like the Mariana Trench.


Proof and Discussion for Transition to States B and C


Non-Existence of Internal Pressures in Liquids


To prove the existence of States B and C, it must first be demonstrated that upper, lower, and lateral pressures do not exist within a liquid. Experiments show that when a PET bottle is inserted into seabed sand, it does not experience upper pressure. Upon release, the bottle still floats, indicating the absence of lower pressure.


Source of Buoyancy


If upper, lower, and lateral pressures do not exist, what causes buoyancy? Buoyancy is actually caused by external forces. Regardless of the form of these external forces (applied force, gravity, mechanical force, etc.), an object with a density lower than that of the liquid will float, creating what is known as the "restoring force."


Proof of the Existence of State B


To prove the existence of State B, where objects of the same density do not experience pressure, tofu (with a density similar to that of a liquid) can be placed in the Mariana Trench or deep sea. The tofu, despite its fragility, remains intact and uncrushed, demonstrating it does not experience any pressure.


Proof of the Existence of State C


Similarly, since objects of identical densities do not experience pressure, objects denser than the liquid will also remain unaffected and uncrushed. Examples include deep-sea stones, coins, and debris.


Applications to Gases and Solids


If liquids exhibit properties of States B and C, it is likely that gases and solids do as well. Whether atoms and the universe operate within States B and C remains a frontier for future research. The concepts of States B and C could dismantle the perceived barriers of deep-sea exploration, making human habitation of the deep ocean a feasible future.




The "Three Major Laws of Object Pressure" provide a new framework for understanding object interaction under universal gravitation, addressing phenomena that previous models could not explain. This paradigm shift from State A to States B and C opens new avenues for scientific inquiry and technological advancement, heralding a future where deep-sea colonization becomes achievable.




Universal gravitation, buoyancy, object pressure, deep-sea exploration, Archimedes, density, restoring force.


Written by Lan Tian in 20240624 (this paper has not yet been applied for publication in international scientific journals)




  藍天座右銘【運籌帷幄之中,決勝於千里之外】,【一生錢、二生權、三生萬事萬物】,金錢是推動世界運轉的齒輪,金錢也是改變世界的力量,缺少資金天馬行空都只是夢想,【金錢不是萬能,但少了金錢萬萬不能】 。 讓我們來探討從古至今商場上【經營之神的思維】,及 WEX 用商業資金要如何來改...